Sadberk showpiece avaOne of the most extraordinary museums of traditional clothing, accessories, and jewelry in Turkey is based on a private collection. The woman named Sadberk Koç dedicated her life to collecting precious Turkish antiques from the 18th-19th centuries. She managed to gather a great number of items. And after her death, her husband created the Sadberk Hanim Museum or Lady Sadberk Museum to show her collection to the Turkish people and the whole world. This collection is marvelous! Just one person owned enough valuables for the whole museum!

Jewish wedding avaThe Jewish wedding is a curious sight to behold. The wedding traditions of these people differ from the European or Asian bridal traditions. They are unique and can surprise somebody who watches the festivities for the first time. Though, the wedding outfits of a bride and groom are pretty much usual, with a touch of Jewish traditional accessories and peculiarities. For instance, do you know how a kosher wedding dress looks like?

War bonnet avaThe Native American beadwork is a very important craft for the American continents. The most common question people ask about beading in Native American culture is how did the Indians make beads? Jeri Ah-be-hill (born Geraldine Fuller), the representative of Native American Indians and Kiowa-Comanche fashion expert answers this question.

Sari avaIndian saree is a beautiful garment. And there are hundreds of ways of draping it. These styles of draping a sari vary according to the region of use, purpose, occasion, or even the mood of a female. In the article below, you can learn 5 more ways of wearing a sari: Rajasthani style, Hyderabadi Marwadi style, Bengali style, Mumtaz style, and Mermaid style. All of them are sophisticated and pretty.

African clothes avaIn Africa, the clothing traditions are very strong. Locals often use the folk clothes during the ceremonies and special occasions (for instance, weddings, rituals of entering womanhood or manhood, national festivities, etc.). Even when they wear a European-style clothing, Africans mix it with the traditional garments, accessories, and adornments. Such mixes are typical in Africa or for those Africans who live abroad. By the way, even living in foreign countries, Africans don’t hesitate to wear folk outfits in day-to-day life and for ceremonies.

Dynasty avaThe history of China displays a huge list of rulers and ruling dynasties. Each of them had its own features, cultural values, customs, and clothing traditions. The latter is the most important for us. Let’s see the difference between the folk costume of various Chinese dynasties, including the main garments, outerwear, headdresses, accessories, hairdos, and other items of the traditional outfit of China. We’ve got some great photos to illustrate the diversity of Chinese national garments.

Viking spinning avaWe’ve all heard about the great northern warriors called the Vikings and their extraordinary culture (just remember their world-famous jewelry). But how much do you know about the Viking crafts and, to be more precise, the Viking spinning? We’d like to show you some tools, techniques, and secrets of spinning use by the Vikings.

Wedding dress avaA lot of people associate weddings with white dresses and veils – but, as the photos below prove, the ceremonies can be anything but stereotyped. Some brides wear colorful garments and accessories; others wear traditional gowns for their big days. From India to Norway, these are some of the most beautiful folk wedding dresses around the world. Also, we’ll share several curious wedding traditions from different countries.

Loom avaEgyptian craftswomen from Naqada district are masters in hand weaving the scarves. This craft is ancient and it has been feeding the locals since hundreds of years ago untill today. Though, in modern days, fewer and fewer people are ready to work so hard to earn a living. The traditional handwoven textile of Naqada is exciting to watch but it is a hard labor – each step of the process is handmade: from inventing the future design and color palette to spinning the yarn to preparing the threads for the loom to weaving to finishing the scarf, etc.

binyeo avaIntricate Korean folk hair accessories catch your eye at once. The most beautiful and delicate of them were used by the royalty and wealthy noblewomen from Korean royal court. And what’s interesting and exciting about them is that each of Korean traditional hair accessories had a special meaning – they weren’t just pretty baubles. But you should see them for yourself to understand the real value and beauty of those accessories.

A ZTraditional pieces of the male and female national costumes in Turkey: aigrette, anteri, bademler, başmak, bindalli, binish, çarik, çedik, cepken, çizme, cübbe, don, entari, ferace, fez, gomlek, hirka, iki etek entari, jubba, kaftan, kalpak, kemer, keşan, kushak, kütahya, mest, mintan, peştemal, potur, qamis, salta, sarik, shalvar, tek etek entari, turban, üç etek entari, yasmak, yelek, and zibin.

Lehenga Choli avaThe population of India is over 1.3 billion of people. And, by the way, India is a country with strong and original traditions. So, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of locals wear Indian folk clothing. How do you think, which of the garments is the most popular among men and which – among women? Which pieces of the traditional clothes can be combined to get a perfect look? Are the male folk costumes more widespread then the female ones? Find all the answers below, together with the photos of beautiful Indian garments.

Royal Hang Embroidery avaRoyal Hang Embroidery is an ancient and exquisite craft. It appeared 1,000 years ago and is practiced ever since. This embroidery technique was used to adorn the garments of Chinese royalty. The craftsmen (and this is a rare technique of embroidering that’s made by men) make complicated and ornate artworks, rather than just ornamentation. These embroidery designs look like embossed paintings. We’re sure you haven’t seen anything like this in your life.

Bethlehem avaVarious regions of Palestine have their own unique clothing traditions. Sometimes, the outfits differ radically, in other cases, there is only so much difference. We’d like to show you some photos of the clothing designs, shapes, and ornamentation from several regions of Palestine. Also, you’ll see how Palestinian designers can combine modern fashion tendencies with authentic features and traditional motifs.