During all of human history, people used various bags to carry goods – handbags, shoulder bags, purses, pouches, backpacks, satchels, and so on. These accessories are among the most useful and indispensable items. So, their designs, sizes, and styles changed throughout the ages, but some kind of bag remained in every culture and historical period. We’ve gathered all our articles about these cute accessories so that you could use them for your research paper, college essay, homework assignment, coursework, or any other educational project. Also, we specified whether you have permission to use the photos from each post.
Top-10 cutest folk bags and purses around the world
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Unusual traditional clothing accessories. Interesting additions to the national costume
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Short history of detachable women’s pockets from the 1650s to the early 20th century
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Rare authentic clothing and accessories of Ukrainian men, the 19th-20th century
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Ukrainian leather accessories (footwear, belts, and bags) from Carpathian region
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Ukrainian folk bags. Traditional male, female, and unisex bags
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Pockets in Ukrainian traditional clothing from the 18th-20th century
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Bunad purse – probably the cutest waist pocket of all times
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Kjolsäck – Swedish folk pocket-style bags
The photos are from The American Swedish Institute and are in the public domain, so you can freely use them, but please mention the source.
Native American 1800s shoulder bag from The Met
The photos are from The Met Museum and are in the public domain, so you can freely use them, but mention that they’re from this particular museum.
Native American Indian artifacts tell little stories about the lifestyle of Indian tribes
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Vintage purses from the early 20th century. Small and handy works of art
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How ancient Otzi the IceMan made his 5000 years old style backpack
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