Several years ago, Mongolian archaeologists found a mummy of a woman dated 1,100 years old wearing very stylish shoes that survived all these years and were in pretty good condition. The shoes had leather soles and the upper part was decorated with red&black stripes, similar to those on branded Adidas shoes. Of course, those weren’t the first Adidas sneakers ever, but it’s funny how they do look alike. Just compare them!
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Photos from The Mongolian Observer/The Center of Cultural Heritage of Mongolia
After the archaeologists made this discovery of an ancient mummy, the scientists from the Center of Cultural Heritage of Mongolia studied it. They found out that it was a woman who lived 1,100 years ago. The woman died from the head injury and was buried with an impressive list of belongings – except for clothes she was dressed in, there were 4 changes of clothing, a bag, a knife, a mirror, a comb, a saddle, and the remains of an entire horse. This means that she was a very respected person in her community. The scientists believe that she could have been a seamstress, judging by her clothes and a sewing kit found in her bag. Also, they say she is possibly of Turkic origin.
While all that is interesting, the most wonderful thing the mummy had are her trendy shoes. They are knee-length felt boots with leather soles, gorgeous bronze buckles, and a lovely red&black pattern on the upper part of each shoe. Even today, they look bright and eye-catching, just imagine how impressive they were for their time.
Compare these ancient Mongolian shes to modern Adidas sneakers.
This mummy quickly got the nickname “Adidas mummy” thanks to the shoes she is wearing.
Here’s also a video about the mummy and her clothes
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