German cap avaIn the 18th-19th century, German ladies – both peasants and high-status women – traditionally covered their hair with various headdresses. And tight-fitting caps richly adorned with decorations were among the most popular items. These headpieces kept the hair in place, gave a woman the appropriate appearance, and looked beautiful. There were even so-called “gold caps” that were so densely embroidered with metallic threads that they shone like the sun.

All of the caps here are from The Met Museum

Most often, these German caps were extremely ornate, embellished with needlework, gold embroidery or silver embroidery, foil, cord, gems, sequins, lace, etc. The caps were small and tight-fitting and looked really cute.

One of the good things about these caps – besides their beauty and flamboyance – is that they’re rather comfortable. They sit tight on the head without squeezing the head too much, don’t let the loose streaks of hair fall on the woman’s face, give some warmth when the weather is cool, etc. There are many pluses to this headpiece.

Just look at several German caps of aristocratic ladies from the 18th and 19th centuries that survived to this day in great condition and are stored in a museum now. Imagine how vivid and festive they looked when they were brand new and shiny.

Women’s cap, richly embroidered with silk and metallic thread, Germany, the 18th century

Women’s cap, richly embroidered with silk and metallic thread, Germany, the 18th century

Women’s cap, richly embroidered with silk and metallic thread, Germany, the 18th century



Gold cap adorned with foil and metallic thread and sequins, Germany, the early 19th century

Gold cap adorned with foil and metallic thread and sequins, Germany, the early 19th century



Lovely cap decorated with floral needlework and thin metal cord, Germany, the early 19th century

Lovely cap decorated with floral needlework and thin metal cord, Germany, the early 19th century



Delicate lady’s cap embellished with whitework and lace, Germany, the early 18th century

Delicate lady’s cap embellished with whitework and lace, Germany, the early 18th century



Ornate crown of lady’s cap, Southern Germany, the 18th century

Ornate crown of lady’s cap, Southern Germany, the 18th century



Elegant black velvet cap crown with gold embroidery, Germany, the early 19th century

Elegant black velvet cap crown with gold embroidery, Germany, the early 19th century



Richly embellished crown of women’s cap, Southern Germany, the early 19th century. It is decorated with gold embroidery, sequins, and gems

Richly embellished crown of women’s cap, Southern Germany, the early 19th century

Richly embellished crown of women’s cap, Southern Germany, the early 19th century

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